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“Down Town” is an action comedy that follows the stories of T-Mo - the pimp, Hunny - the prostitute, and Jerry - the junkie, over the course of 24 hours in the crime underbelly of Downtown, Los Angeles. T-Mo and Hunny, boyfriend and girlfriend, and “business partners,” discover a briefcase full of drugs in a motel room. They devise a plan to sell the drugs and leave town to start a new life together, but before they can start, they know they’re being watched. To get the heat off their tail they have Jerry leave with the briefcase (empty, unbeknownst to him). Once they’re in the clear, they split up to meet their connects all over town and sell the drugs as quickly as possible, while Jerry is chased all over town for the briefcase. T-Mo and Hunny meet a colorful cast of criminals from the weird and wacky to the downright scary, getting entangled
in feuds, chases, shoot-outs, and more. The two are pushed to their limits, and they both start to wonder: if they manage to make it out alive, do they still want to start a new life...together?

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